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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Xivio safe?
Yes, we have a scrict set of rules on xivio that are enforced by our team of moderators.

Is my child old enough to play Xivio?
Xivio is targeted towards kids from 9-14 years old, we keep everything PG-rated or less.

Will Xivio give me a virus?
No! Xivio requires no downloads or installations and does not have any viruses or other malware on our site.

How much does Xivio cost?
Xivio is 100% free to play, we don't even have an option to buy anything.

Where are the games in Xivio?
Games in Xivio are hosted by staff members and regular users in Xivio, we do not have a minigame system. You can usually find a game to play on Xivio at it's peak times per day.

Delete my account!
We're sorry that you no longer want to play Xivio, there's no need to delete your account. If you don't want us to have your email on file just change it to something non-existant.

Help! My account has been hacked!
Xivio accounts cannot be hacked, either someone had guessed either your email account's password, Xivio password, or you told them your password. Don't leave your account logged into Xivio while using a public computer.